Interview with Karl Willetts, taken from Deaththrasher Magazine

Now the Bolt Thrower's Interview

Interview for Deaththrasher Magazine by Armando Mutilator & Monica Cannibal Corpse : 
DT: Do you live in Birmingham in old-time with NAPALM DEATH? 

Karl Willetts: I live in Birmingham alone with Whale (our drummer), Gavin and Jo live in Leamington Spa and Baz lives in Coventry... Both of these towns are a short distance away from Birmingham NAPALM DEATH, amonest many other bands are also based in Birmingham. We all regularly meet up at weekends in the clubs and pubs of Birmingham. 

DT: Why the name of BOLT THROWER?
Karl Willetts: We decided upon the name BOLT THROWER because it was different and original like the band it self... The name also conjures up a power sound and image witch is reflected in the bands music. We found the name in a fantasy wargaming magazine called White Dwarf. A BOLT THROWER is actually a medieval weapon of war, used in sieges... It is comparable to a Giant Cross Bow.

DT: Do you like IN BATTLE THERE IS NO LAW (Demo 1/April 1987) with AL WEST in vocals? 
Karl Willetts: It is ok, but now sounds very old, basic and raw in comparison to the standard of our new material... Back in 1987 it was in exiting fresh, new sound emerging from a developing band... It definately helped secure the Radio Sessions with John Peel!!

DT: What do you think about extra-terrestrials? Do you believe in that? 
Karl Willetts: I am sceptical about the existence of U.F.Os but only someone very narrow minded could rule out the possibility of other life forms some where out in the vast expanse of space... Though I think that mankind should concentrate on sorting out our problems on Earth before spending billions on space research and investigation.

DT: Your fave beer? 
Karl Willetts: That varies from place to place... Its usually strong lager such is 'Red Stripe', 'Skol-Special Strengh' or 'Lowenbrau'.... I've heard Mexican beer is good... I'm not sure about the beer in Peru though.

DT: Throughout the summer of 1987 BOLT THROWER did several gigs within the mid lands area, BOLT THROWER was famous in all the world in this time? 
Karl Willetts: BOLT THROWER were still very much an Underground Band at this time... But our demos were being widely distributed throughout the world and or reputation was developing and growing all the time... In 87 I wouldn't in say we were know by everyone but gaining worldwide interest through the Underground Scene of Tape Trading and zines.

DT: What do you think about 'CONCESSION OF PAIN' (Demo 2/1987)? 
Karl Willetts: It was a cool Demo... this is the one that John Peel heard, and really liked so in that respect it was very successful indeed... It marked a significant development for the band from this point things started to take off for BOLT THROWER.

DT: Why BOLT-THROWER recorded a session for John Peel at radio 1 in January 1988; he helped to BOLT THROWER with the first session through STRANGE FRUIT RECORDS? 
Karl Willetts: At that time John Peel was giving air play to many bands such as NAPALM DEATH, CARCASS and EXTREME NOISE TERROR we had developed a good underground reputation and on the strength of this combined with the 2 demos witch he lived we got offered the 1st Radio Session... This was later released as a 12" and later after the completion of our 3 radio session an album featuring all of these was released on Strange Fruit Records.

DT: What can you tell me about your 'IN BATTLE THERE IS NO LAW' for Vinyl Solution in April 1988? 
Karl Willetts: We recorded the album in 3 days and mixed it in 2 days... so everything was a bit of a rush to say the least... But it was our 1st album and the Budget was very low... We were happy just to have an album available!! For 1988 the music was very new, fresh and exiting... But that was 5 years ago so when I listen to it now it all sound very raw and basic and immature in comparison with the quality of our present material.

DT: Andy Whale is the most speed drummer around the world? 
Karl Willetts: Maybe not the fastest drummer around, but BOLT THROWER does not rely on the 'speed' aspect of our music... But he is definitely one of the most precise and powerful Drummers Around... His drum technique is one of the most important elements of BOLT THROWER's music and our continual success !!

DT: Do you like soccer, what do you think about JOHN BARNES, GARY LINEKER, DAVID PLATT, PAUL GASCOINE & PETER SHILTON? 
Karl Willetts: Football is ok, it is a shame that England have not made it to the World Cup, Maybe with some of the players that you mentioned we would have done.

DT: Do you know about 'MACHU PICCHU' ruins &'NAZCA'S lines'? 
Karl Willetts: In a word 'no', I know virtually nothing about Peru.... Sorry!!!

DT: Are you crazy Karl? (ARMANDO's question) 
Karl Willetts: Sometimes when I am answering interviews, which contain questions such as this I think that I must be!!

DT: What can you tell me about the second session with John Peel in November 1988? 
Karl Willetts: This is the 1st session for Radio that my vocals featured on... It featured the song 'Realm of chaos'... It was during this period that we left vinyl solution due to the lack UK of promotion and interest on these behalf... Games workshop... A Company that specialize in fantasy wargaming approached us, asking whether we would be interested in using their imagery / Artwork on our next album... At this time we were approached by EARACHE RECORDS him offered us a good deal... So you could say that this session was also a Huge help to us in our career!!

DT: Do you have any T-shirts availables? 
Karl Willetts: Yes, many different designs, for a leaflet send 1 IRC or $ 1 USD (postage) to millennium merchandise, Po Box 2061, Solihull, west Midlands, B92-752 united Kingdom.

DT: Do you like MAYHEM (Nor)? 
Karl Willetts: No in my opinion they are total fucking bollocks, along with all that other Black Metal shit from Norway... Talentless morons who need a good kicking bands such as these are responsible for destroying the Music Scene total assholes!.

DT: Do you played with MORBID ANGEL, CARCASS & NAPALM DEATH in one and only concert... the tour bands in one concert? 
Karl Willetts: Yes that was 1st and original GRINDCRUSHER TOUR... We all had a great time, it was the biggest tour BOLT THROWER had done (audience wise) 7 dates around the UK.... It was good for BOLT THROWER because it gut us to play to a bigger audience than we would normally play to... 

DT: What can you tell me about GRINDCRUSHER TOUR in November 1989? 
Karl Willetts: I think that I've just answered that in the previous question!

DT: What do you think about ghosts? 
Karl Willetts: Personally I do not believe in ghosts or the supernatural... To me once you are dead that is it... There is no after life... No heaven or hell.

DT: Do you like hot-dogs with coke? 
Karl Willetts: I do not eat hot does as I am a vegetarian... As for coke do you mean Coca Cola or cocaine?

DT: What can you tell me about your 'BLOOD BROTHER tour with AUTOPSY and PESTILENCE in Holland and Belgium? 
Karl Willetts: This was our first trip abroad... To mainland Europe so it was quite a major experience for us... Probably one of the best Tours we have ever done. We got on really, really well with the lads from both bands... We still keep in contact with one another!!

Karl Willetts: Yes, it is pretty good, although their new album 'Heartwork' is a lot better...

DT: You're faves South American bands? 
Karl Willetts: I have heard quite a lot of bands from South America... Apart from the obvious SEPULTURA... Their new album 'Chaos A.D. is Ok!! I think that ATOMIC AGGRESSOR, DEATH YELL, TOTTEN KORPS, SADISM, TORTURER and DARKNESS all of who are from Chile are good... Not forgetting PENTAGRAM of course!!! 

DT : Why your tracks like 'ETERNAL WAR', 'LAST SOULS DOMAIN' etc... are very, very aggressive?... it's really BRUTAL!!! 
Karl Willetts: Those songs were featured on the 'Realm of Chaos' album, that was our style of writing back then.... Our songs could be described as being more aggressive and brutal... Since then we have developed and progressed...

DT: What do you think about boys-victims of war? 
Karl Willetts: I have heard that in South America especially the large littles there are many problems with street boys... Being shot by government death squads etc... This is a bad problem... They are most definitely helpless victims!

DT: Do you like 'BLACK SABBATH' & 'VENOM'? 
Karl Willetts: 'BLACK SABBATH'come from Birmingham, the same city as I live, they are in my opinion the originators of Heavy music... They established Heavy music in the world music scene... 'VENOM' were awesome, I was into this bands 6 years ago when they where massive... I saw them in concert... What they did was new, fresh... It is sad to see bands such as the Black Metal Scene trying to emulate / Copy their style of extremeness... They well never capture the feel and true meaning of VENOM.

DT: AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH !!!!!! .... VENOM RULES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DT: Which is your best LP? 
Karl Willetts: Our best album by far is most definitely our latest 'The IVth Crusade'.... The production quality is excellent, and it features our best songs to date that are well structured and coherent !!. 

DT: What can you tell me about your 'REALM OF CHAOS' LP? 
Karl Willetts: 'Realm of Chaos' was good when it was released in 1989 and features some all time classic BOLT THROWER songs, some of which we still play at our gigs!! But that was 4 years ago and the band have developed and come a long way since then!

DT: Are you satisfied with your 'WAR MASTER' LP? 
Karl Willetts: 'Warmaster' was a big jump from 'Realm of Chaos' production wise.... Which we where very happy with... The songs are a lot stronger on this album compared to the previous releases... Yet even this album is blown away with the total over all quality of 'the IVth Crusade'...

DT: You're future plans? 
Karl Willetts: Currently we are working on new material for our next album to be released autumn 1994... It'll be called '.... For Victory', we plan to do an extensive U.S. tour in the summer prior to the albums release... then a massive worldwide 'Tour... For Victory'.

DT: Any last comment for the most brutal fans? 
Karl Willetts: Hi there and cheers to all our followers / fans and friends in Peru and the South American area... Thanks a lot for your continued, most valued support of Bolt Thrower... Who know Maybe one day we will come to tour your area. Anything is possible...For official merchandise send 1 IRC or $ 1 (USD) To: 

Millennium Merchandise, 
P.O. Box 2061, 
West Midlands, 

For details of the official BOLT THROWER fan club send 1 IRC (OR) $ 1 

World Eaters, 
P.O. Box 23, 
Leamington Spa 
CV 32 SN, UK.

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